Spanish 2: Unit 5 Activity 2 Part 1
PREGUNTAS: 1. ¿Dónde están las carnes? Las carnes están en el pasillo 2, a la derecha, al fondo. 2. ¿Dónde están las lentejas? Las...
Spanish 2: Unit 5 Activity 1 "Lista de compras"
You have to go grocery shopping this week, but before you go to the market you write down a "grocery shopping" list. Please, write down a...
Spanish 2: Unit 3-The Pragmatics of Swearing Assignment Part 2
Think of a Spanish swear reaction to the following scenarios. You can assume that it’s socially and culturally appropriate to swear. A....
Spanish 2: Unit 3 The Pragmatics of Swearing Assignment
Swearing is influenced by (1) pragmatics, such as the conversational topic; (2) the physical setting, such as a relaxed versus a formal...
Spanish 2: Unit 3- Speech Acts Written Assignment
1. Situation 1: A friend comes out looking all fancy. What compliment can you say? Student A: ¡Que Linda! Student B: ¡Que hermosa! 2....
Spanish 2: Unit 2-Final Assessment Task-Part 1
A. With a classmate, write a brief paragraph that summarizes what this song is about. Music is a medium which is utilized to convey one’s...
End of Semester Self- Assesment
The tasks completed in my Elementary Spanish class have tremendously helped me with learning the language. The tasks provided by the...
Unit 5: "After Watching Dr. Anya's Video
After watching the video that Dr. Anya made just for you all, please answer the following questions: 1. Dr. Anya encourages all of you to...
Unit 5: Airport Signs and their English Meanings
Airport Sign English Meaning 1. Equipajes Baggage Claim 2. Salida ...
Unit 3: “My Ideal Yarumba Meal”
Para beber: Un jugo de fresa La entrada: Deditos de pollo El plato principal: Camarones al grill con salsa de coco El postre: Un helado...
Unit 2: Language Strategies
Learning to speak and understand Spanish can be a very frustrating and tedious task for people like myself whose first language is...