Think of a Spanish swear reaction to the following scenarios. You can assume that it’s socially and culturally appropriate to swear.
A. You accidentally hit your thumb with a hammer:
Ans: Mierda
B. You see a good friend and it’s been a long while since ya’ll have seen each other.
Ans: gilipollas te extrañé
C. You get out of a class and it was really difficult and tomorrow you have a test. You didn’t understand the new content and feel really stressed out.
Ans: oh joder
D. You drop your eye contact or an earring down the drain.
Ans: puta mierda
E. A person who is being inappropriate keeps bothering you. It’s time to set a clear boundary.
Ans: déjame solo
F. Your or your friend’s dog comes by and his tail accidentally knocks over all of ya’ll’s drinks on the table.
Ans: santa mierda! Maldición